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Luceplan Compendium Suspension Light
  • Luceplan Compendium Suspension Light2

    Luceplan Compendium Suspension Lamp

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    Aesthetic and technological research, design culture, experimentation and innovation, a creative spirit never separated from functional quality and efficiency. This is the system of values that shapes the identity of Luceplan since its founding in 1978.

    The design language of Daniel Rybakken returns to its reliance on the intrinsic power of basic geometric forms, turning this time to the symbol of harmony par excellence: the circle. An extension of the Compendium family, Circle is a lamp with a poetic nature and an essential design, whose lightness is sustained by LED technology, installed to permit direct emission when pointed downward, or diffused light when aimed upward. It is also possible to combine up to three rings of different diameters to give rise to different configurations and luminous scenarios of great visual impact.
    Available in 3 sizes and various configuration


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